Before we get into the winners and favorite card showcase, I would like to let everyone know that we'll be taking a break here at CMC for awhile. We're not shutting down or anything, don't panic, lol! It's just the busy time of the year and we need to set up more content for you guys so don't worry if you don't see us posting anything new for awhile :0)
Onto the challenge!!!!
Congrats to Shirley and Jenny, you both one a pack of the XPress it paper from Mad For Markers! Please email us at colormecopicatgmaildotcom with your address and we'll get your information out to Sammi!
This is a informational and challenge blog designed to help Copic enthusiasts of all levels! Rachel dreamed up the idea for CMC when she realized that there were a ton of questions that Copic users had, but not enough answers. We have info for those just starting to use Copics and also lots of Copic technique tutorials.
Amy runs Color Me Copic and is joined some super talented Copic enthusiasts and we will be the most frequent contributors. We are all self-taught and are not Copic certified, just FYI.
If you would like to submit tips/tricks of your own, or you have tutorials that could help any of our readers, please email us at We welcome any and all submissions, though of course, we cannot guarantee all ideas can be posted.
Please also feel free to email us with any questions you may have or any information/tutorials you'd like to see us do. This site is for you!
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